Sunday, April 12, 2015

Find the Sunglasses for You

Hello everyone!

Summer is a dream that is running through all of our heads right now.  With this magnificent season approaching, beach and pool days are in the near future.  I wanted to show several styles of sunglasses to help you get thinking about what accessory will best complement you this season.  I will show several of the popular sunglass options, but I want you to keep in mind that these options shown are not all that exist so keep your eyes open.

When choosing a color for your sunglasses it is always fun to mix it up with a crazy color.  When choosing between gold or silver though, one color often complements your skin tone more than the other.  Often gold complements people with the warmer skin tones while silver complements others with cooler skin tones.

When choosing a size, it is also recommended that you choose a pair that fits you face.  People with larger faces can pull off more of the big style sunglasses, whereas others with slim faces look best in the more regular/smaller sized sunglasses.

Here are the basic styles:

Tortoise AmberTortoise SmokeGoldGold Gradient

Black Gold

Gold AmberTortoise

All of these sunglasses came from along with many more unique and fun styles.

I hope at least one of these styles peaked your interest so you can go out and look for some sunglasses that will be of good use this summer season.  I want to reiterate that these are the simple, classic styles.  I wanted to show all the classic styles so if you find a structure that you adore, you can then go to the next step and look for specific colors and patterns.

Thank you for reading and I would love if you would tell me your favorite sunglasses in the comments below.

"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance"
-Coco Chanel


  1. Jordan, marvelous blog! I love your style, and the way you present each of your posts. This blog seems quite useful, and I will definitely be coming back for more! I'd love to see a post on complete outfits for a specific occasion, like a beach day, date, or a specific holiday. Anyways, fantastic work.

  2. Jordan, this is a great blog. First of all, I love how the blog looks. The colorful background really grabs my attention and the pictures are all interesting. I also like your style and am excited to see more posts. Great addition with the quotes at the end, they really added to your posts. Great job!

  3. Great job Jordan! This was a great topic and makes me want to go get a new pair of sunglasses! I also like how you included the website from where you got these pictures of the sunglasses, so that the people who read your post can go check them out. I agree with Veronica and think that it would be a great idea to do a post for outfits for this spring/summer. Nice work!

  4. Great blog post Jordan! I really like your blog because the fashion tips you give are amazing. The pictures of the different kinds of sunglasses were really interesting.
